Friday, January 13, 2012

The Inheritors (#occupy Nigeria)

They walk in death's shadow
The evil they should've feared
live within their hearts
Bidding them heed darkness residing inside

The gun is their strength
Through it our is obeisance is obtained
As they rampage through this valley
Before them we stand

Trembling hearts caught
In-between chattering dental
Bladder loosened by fright
Body taut in heartless readiness
waiting for hot lead to strike

Do they not laugh?
Teeth sparkling ever thus
Behind tinted glasses they slyly cough
As hunger pushes us towards them
in servitude

They know not the gods' name
Therefore, beseech them in vain
They hearken only to their hate
That hunger that knows no sate
Their god is money

We know their oppression
Is only for this while
We hoped for death's call
Its call whispered song
For them, not us

Alas, we hoped in vain for
Fate holds back our saving rain
They knew death's name' thus
Planned all along to cheat him
did they

When their progeny return
from across the sea where they're groomed
Away from empty classrooms where
They hoped to keep us blind and doomed
While theirs seek the light

Alcoholics and addicts
Infused with ways foreign
Speaking white tongue whitely
Speaking ours strangely
If they speak at all

Our culture repulses them
Our dances bemuses them
Their roots cut off
Replanted in cities far away

To them it's said our future is given
To carry our flag, write our laws,
Fight our wars, and rule our land.
To them, for who we are
Another piece of inheritance

Our land is bequeathed

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